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1 Items
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 67
21 695 KB
Click on "Content" above to see images
!3dmicewater !bwater1 !bwater3 !c2a5 !c2a52 !c2a52b !c2a53 !c2a54 !c2a542 !c2a54b !d6_water2 !fire00 !fire01 !gwater2 !lava !ocean !radio !rwater1 !rwater2 !rwater3 !toxicgrn2 !volcan !wassa01 !water2a !water2b !water2c !waterblue +0waterfall1 +0~bruk_lamp1 +0~bruk_lamp2 +0~bruk_lamp4 +0~bruk_lamp5 +0~bruk_window1 +0~bruk_window2 +0~bruk_window3 +0~bruk_window4 +1waterfall1 +2waterfall1 +3waterfall1 -0DrtyBrk -0DrtyBrkStrk -0Sand -0SandRock -0csSandWall -0out_grnd2b -0sandwall -0tnnl_flr1 -0wall07 -1DrtyBrk -1DrtyBrkStrk -1Sand -1SandRock -1csSandWall -1fifties_w12 -1jbDrtyBrick1 -1mosscliff -1sandwall -1wall08 -2Sand -2SandRock 000 001 17b_rouge 3dmsnowwood3 3dmsnowwood5 BEVEL CRATE04 FIFT_BLOODFLR Gunrack HINT Ivy01a NULL ORIGIN OUT_GRVL1 SKIP SandCrtLrgSd SandCrtLrgTp SandCrtSmSd SandCrtSmTp SandRoad SandRoadTgtA SandTrim SandWllDoor SandWllWndw Subway_ceiling2 aaatrigger ac_brick2 ac_brick3 ac_window1 ac_window2 ac_window3 ac_wood agatez americanbeauty at_01 at_01a at_02a at_03 at_cr01 at_cr02 at_d01 b_cp_v3a b_cp_v5 b_mf_v10 b_mf_v9 b_rc_v8aa ba_metall04 ba_skaf01 ba_skaf02 ba_skaf03 ba_skaf07 ba_skaf09 ba_wall35 ba_wall35_f1 ba_wall35_f2 ba_wall35_f3 bam_M02c bam_M04 bam_S03 bark baseste2 basestel bcrate08 bl_rc_c11 blazzlerockywal boden01 boden02 boden03 boden04 bookcase01 bookcase02 boxtops03 brck_yelbroken bretter01 brixk3 brk128128c brk12864c brk6416c brk6432c brk_apt2 brk_ware1 brk_ware2 brk_ware3 brkwallgrn brkwallgry brkwallgrycorne brkwallred brkwallredwina brkwallredwinb brkwallredwinc brown_tiles c_brick01 c_flr11 cardbox1 cardboxbot1 cardboxtop1 carp4 castflt cath001 celing2 claytile claytile1 clip cob-web2 coble col3 cottage11 cottage911 couch4 cr-0Sand cr-0SandRock cr-0csSandWall cr-1Sand cr-1SandRock cr-1csSandWall cr-2Sand cr-2SandRock cr-3Sand cr-SandCCrete cr-SandCrtLrgSd cr-SandCrtLrgTp cr-SandCrtSmSd cr-SandCrtSmTp cr-SandRoad cr-SandRoadTgt cr-SandRoadTgtA cr-SandRoadTgtB cr-SandTrim cr-SandWllDoor cr-SandWllWndw cr-csSandWall2 cra1 cra2 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west_wood6 west_wood8 west_wood9 whiteceiling2 win3 win_add02 windmill2 window8 winwall1 winwall2 wll_sndstn_pln wmcs wmcsb wood wood0450 wood2a wood_roof woodc1 woodmai3 woodoorz wrcka1 wrcka4 x_fakedcon2 x_fakedcrate1 x_fakedground1 x_fakedground2 x_fakedground3 x_fakedsiege1 x_fakedsiege2 x_fakedwall1 x_fakedwall2 {ba_tree02 {ba_tree03 {blau01 {blue {branch1 {bush01 {bush02 {bush03 {bush04 {bush05 {bush06 {bw1 {cailadder {chainlink {cstrike_le6lad {cuivyb {culaundryb {culaundryc {door {fence {fence3 {flagge01 {flagge02 {foliage_dense {forest1 {grass1 {grass2 {grate3a {grate_2 {gratestep3 {hangingIvy1 {hedge3 {jap_tree2 {lampe01 {laub1 {laub2 {laub3 {leita01 {ornateGate {palm02 {palmver1 {palmver2 {pine_tree {rubbish17 {sewer-grt1 {shpnet1 {siteA {siteB {spa_lamp03a {spa_lattice01a {spiderweb {t-grate2 {t_tree04 {t_tree05 {tmpl_rail1 {tree00 {tree1 {trees1 {xwalk-m {zaun1
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 43
Slots: 18
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 29
Slots: 16
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 31
Slots: 16
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 79
Slots: 26
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 34
Slots: 20
05-25-2010 by Chapo
Hits: 47
Slots: 20
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 72
Slots: 24
11-04-2009 by meu33
Hits: 31
Slots: 23
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Community 17b
DB error - Downloading is not possilbe atm.
03-25-2024 at 11:24 AM
03-29-2024 at 1:48 PM
Recently I got some more lost CS 1.6 maps from 00s. I don't have that much motivation to upload it all as it takes a lot of time, but one day maybe I will upload it all.
03-31-2024 at 11:04 AM
@FairPlayCS2: Just upload the whole archive on a file hoster and post the link here. People will check it and post missing maps on the site.
04-02-2024 at 12:18 PM
its not dust2_pro
04-05-2024 at 7:43 PM
@Freimaurer, they don't smiley
04-06-2024 at 8:02 PM
Whenever I try to download a file I get an error and it says to check my data!
04-06-2024 at 11:26 PM
Internal error in the MySQL database.
04-06-2024 at 11:28 PM
Anyone have the ancient aim_2004?
04-07-2024 at 8:04 AM
Ahh nvm, from old FPSB screenshots I can tell it's the same as aim_map2004
04-07-2024 at 8:05 AM
@LiveWire, clean your inbox, it is time ?
04-07-2024 at 2:00 PM
smiley instead of ?
It was an Emoji.
04-07-2024 at 2:01 PM
Gave it a clean smiley some messages are from 2014 smiley
04-07-2024 at 7:42 PM
Why can't I download any prefabs for cs 1.6?
04-11-2024 at 8:01 PM
Can any ADMIN change my freakin name?
04-11-2024 at 9:12 PM
Btw can't download anything, gives me error SQL or something alike
04-11-2024 at 9:13 PM
Same here - SQL error smiley
04-13-2024 at 1:00 PM
fix error pls
04-14-2024 at 6:09 PM
Looks fine for me. Does it still happen?
04-14-2024 at 6:54 PM
Working well!
Thanks @Arkshine smiley
04-14-2024 at 7:08 PM
@Arkshine - getting error for specific maps like (Link)
04-15-2024 at 7:50 PM
@Parabol I can download the file without issue
04-15-2024 at 8:16 PM
Also looks like SSL certificate expired
04-15-2024 at 8:17 PM
The auto renewal of the SSL certificates stopped to work. I have to figure out why. It's renewed for now.
04-17-2024 at 10:53 AM
@ParaBolt, I can download the file without issue
04-17-2024 at 10:54 AM
Yeah works now! I guess I get the SQL database error occasionally randomly. Well no worries.
04-17-2024 at 11:38 AM
@Arkshine, sorry but it seems issue reappears after a few hours. Same as this topic - (Link)
04-19-2024 at 6:18 AM
Still database error, please fix this bug asap
04-23-2024 at 6:26 PM
I have noticed that I can DL properly within a certain timeframe - today it worked for me at 1:30-3:30 AM UTC.

Maybe that can help in solving the problem?
04-23-2024 at 8:21 PM
Can't download any maps. Same error as others. "Internal error in the MySQL database."
04-23-2024 at 10:43 PM
void Can't Download.
  04-23-2024 at 10:49 PM by iPlayer
void Не дает скачать карту
  04-16-2024 at 10:48 AM by Vasya
void How To Play The Slope Unblocked Game?
  04-05-2024 at 12:22 PM by mylajuun
void Modifying Map - How Difficult
  04-03-2024 at 3:14 AM by whitneywright1
void Empty Summary Of 2 Maps
  04-01-2024 at 4:04 AM by whitneywright1
void The Diverse World Of Online Game Genres
  03-20-2024 at 9:41 AM by digici
void A Quoi Vous Jouez En Ce Moment ?
  03-12-2024 at 10:50 AM by alihanima
void League Of Legend
  03-07-2024 at 4:59 AM by terbja

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3:06:01 AM

17Buddies's website offers at this time 107 650 total uniques and verified maps including 58 792 HL1 maps, 45 555 HL2 maps and 3 303 CS:GO maps, representing 371,11 GB disk space.

There were today 54 maps downloads (1 986 yesterday) representing 110,53 MB transfered (15,84 GB yesterday).

This page was generated in 0.34 s and required 201 SQL queries.
